Select Publications
1. Abraham AC, Donahue TLH. From meniscus to bone: a quantitative evaluation of structure and function of the human meniscal attachments. Acta biomaterialia. 2013;9(5):6322-6329.
2. Abraham AC, Fang F, Golman M, Oikonomou P, Thomopoulos S. The role of loading in murine models of rotator cuff disease. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®. 2022;40(4):977-986.
3. Abraham AC, Shah SA, Golman M, et al. Targeting the NF-κB signaling pathway in chronic tendon disease. Science translational medicine. 2019;11(481):eaav4319.
4. Burt KG, Kim MKM, Viola DC, Abraham AC, Chahine NO. Nuclear factor κB overactivation in the intervertebral disc leads to macrophage recruitment and severe disc degeneration. Science Advances. 2024;10(23):eadj3194.
5. Ford CA, Nowlan NC, Thomopoulos S, Killian ML. Effects of imbalanced muscle loading on hip joint development and maturation. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2017;35(5):1128-1136.
6. Ganji E, Chan CS, Ward CW, Killian ML. Optogenetic activation of muscle contraction in vivo. Connective tissue research. 2021;62(1):15-23.
7. Ganji E, Lamia SN, Stepanovich M, et al. Optogenetic-induced muscle loading leads to mechanical adaptation of the Achilles tendon enthesis in mice. Science Advances. 2023;9(25):eadf4683.
8. Ganji E, Leek C, Duncan W, Patra D, Ornitz DM, Killian ML. Targeted deletion of Fgf9 in tendon disrupts mineralization of the developing enthesis. The FASEB Journal. 2023;37(3).
9. Golman M, Abraham AC, Kurtaliaj I, et al. Toughening mechanisms for the attachment of architectured materials: The mechanics of the tendon enthesis. Science Advances. 2021;7(48):eabi5584.
10. Kent III RN, Jewett ME, Buck TP, et al. Engineered microenvironmental cues from fiber‐reinforced hydrogel composites drive tenogenesis and aligned collagen deposition. Advanced Healthcare Materials. Published online 2024:2400529.
11. Killian ML, Cavinatto L, Galatz LM, Thomopoulos S. The role of mechanobiology in tendon healing. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery. 2012;21(2):228-237.
12. Killian ML, Cavinatto LM, Ward SR, Havlioglu N, Thomopoulos S, Galatz LM. Chronic degeneration leads to poor healing of repaired massive rotator cuff tears in rats. The American journal of sports medicine. 2015;43(10):2401-2410.
13. Killian ML, Thomopoulos S. Scleraxis is required for the development of a functional tendon enthesis. The FASEB Journal. 2015;30(1):301.
14. Lamia SN, Davis CS, Macpherson PC, et al. Overexpression of enhanced yellow fluorescent protein fused with Channelrhodopsin‐2 causes contractile dysfunction in skeletal muscle. The FASEB Journal. 2024;38(22):e70185.
15. Leek CC, Soulas JM, Bhattacharya I, et al. Deletion of Fibroblast growth factor 9 globally and in skeletal muscle results in enlarged tuberosities at sites of deltoid tendon attachments. Developmental Dynamics. 2021;250(12):1778-1795.
16. Wernlé KK, Sonnenfelt MA, Leek CC, et al. Loss of Fgfr1 and Fgfr2 in Scleraxis‐lineage cells leads to enlarged bone eminences and attachment cell death. Developmental Dynamics. 2023;252(9):1180-1188.
17. Zelzer E, Blitz E, Killian ML, Thomopoulos S. Tendon‐to‐bone attachment: from development to maturity. Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews. 2014;102(1):101-112.